Exploring Isla Isabela

Isla Isabela is a beautiful place. There are few tourists here, although the locals think it is getting a little crowded. The town is small with several small restaurants, tour agencies, surf shops, small hotels, cabanas but not an over whelming amount.

The beach is beautiful. The sand is white, soft, clean and stretches for miles. We went swimming today and the water was just right. We ate lunch in one of the small restaurants in town, which is about a 3 minute walk from where we are located. Also, Caleta Iquana is the last hotel on the beach before the land turns into the national park.

Charlie doing his beach art creations!
White, silky sand.
We spent the day walking round town to see what is here for tiendas, restaurants, bakery and craft shops. There isn't much here. This is a pretty low key place and is not as traveled to as San Cristobal and Santa Cruz islands. Which makes this a much nicer place to hang out.

We are going on a snorkeling tour tomorrow.
We are still haviing a problem trying to upload our blog posts so bare with us. Also, we are putting pictures into our slide show (right side of blog) as it is easier to put pictures into our web album than to publish a blog post. Just watch the slide show!!

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